Code On the Screen, Artificial Intelligence

Auto-Correct Was the Beginning of the End of Free Will

Maybe at some point we are eaten by blobs of grey goo that then figure out how to circumvent the laws of thermodynamics and go on to destroy the Universe. Yay us. Until then, who will do your thinking for you?

0 Comments7 Minutes

The Raven Illustrated (for Free)

My second book is a re-release of Edgar Allan Poe's "The Raven" with all-new illustrations.

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The First Book is Published!

My first book, and the topic -- the workbook that goes with your life's purpose.

0 Comments3 Minutes

Frank As Steve

My Accidentally Amazing Halloween

A tale of cardboard, celebrity, and the child-like sense of wonder, 30 years after the fact...

0 Comments7 Minutes

Obliquay Title Card

Obliquay the Typeface

Wow that was tough to build but the world can now have Obliquay for free!

0 Comments1 Minutes

Who Is This Guy?

I've been CEO, a startup Founder, a startup janitor, tech inventor, cited philosopher, bank officer, magazine Editor-in-Chief, and for a little while a Morning Drive-Time radio personality. I'm also a father which is much more interesting than all that.
I'm basically workshopping my material on you. This site is where I write about inventions, business advice, cooking, and Photoshop a ton of fun stuff. You're probably here because you know me personally but if not, drop me a line.

The Goto Logo Card

The Goto

Getting everyone to join up because I pay for a conference service...

0 Comments1 Minutes

Frank's Old Site

Where Did Your Old “Cards” Site Go?

My old JavaScript spring-loaded card-based site was a hit but didn't work great for story based content. After 5 years I had to retire it...but it still lives on...

0 Comments4 Minutes

Top 20 Movie Madness Card

Top 20 Movie Madness Game

Here's my contribution to the hard-core pub trivia scene...

0 Comments2 Minutes